Ish kon nje her nje plak edhe kish lujt shum lojna .........
tani kish dek ne moshen 98 vjeq ....
se skish pas koh mu marr me pun te hallkve tek ka lujt loja
9 April 2013
A grandson asks his grandma:
- Hey grandma, haven't you seen my LSD tabs?
Grandma replies:
- Forget those tabs. Have you seen that dragoon in the kitchen?
More similar funny jokes in section Medical jokes
8 April 2013
Doggy style (noun)
A sexual position which allows both participants to watch TV.
More similar funny jokes in section Funny sex jokes
7 April 2013
I don't do drugs.
I am drugs.
Salvador Dali
More similar funny jokes in section Funny quotes
5 April 2013
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.
More similar funny jokes: Funny sayings
4 April 2013
What goes after 69?
More similar funny jokes: Dirty jokes or Funny sex jokes
3 April 2013
I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.
Coco Chanel
More similar funny jokes in section Funny quotes
2 April 2013
I knew I was gonna get along with my mother's boyfriend just fine. Cause when we met, I said to him "Hi Mr. Bob, How are you doing?" He said: "Oh you don't have to Mr. Bob me, just call me motherfucker".
Thanks Obaidur Rahman for this joke
More similar funny jokes: Dirty jokes